Tvoj prvi trening kod kuće
Prvi puta vježbaš kod kuće? Donosimo ti ključne savjete koji će ti olakšati tvoj prvi trening kod kuće, kao i nekoliko ideja za tvoj prvi trening.
Back pain is one of the most common health problems today and has been experienced by a large part of the population or will be experienced.
The most common causes of back pain are sedentary lifestyle, physical inactivity, obesity, injuries, poor posture, improper weight lifting, inadequate footwear (heels), degenerative changes, some diseases of internal organs (kidney, tumors, cysts, endometriosis, .. .) and physiological conditions of women (pregnancy, menstruation.)
To help you ease the pain and discomfort, check these simple yet effective back exercises that we have prepared for you.
You can perform straight away from the comforts of your home or even from your office. Enjoy. ❤️
Read the text first to better understand how to perform the exercises correctly (technique), watch the video and then start training. To perform the exercises you need a bit of space in your comfortable home, will and self-love.
Most diseases that are not genetically determined can be influenced by man’s behavior. That is, we can prevent a wide range of diseases or disorders.
These back exercises can be performed by any healthy person, but if you have a diagnosis such as disc herniation (disc prolapse), it is important to consult a specialist first.
The upper part of the spine includes the cervical (cervical) and thoracic (thoracic) part of the spine.
Another example of back exercises with Kristina Mikolcic in uSensual Club
You can perform these back exercises at home, standing, or sitting on a chair.
Important: During each exercise, the spine must be straight in a neutral position, without bending. The shoulders are also relaxed, let them naturally “hang” down.
EXERCISE 1 Head to chest
Push the chin as far as possible towards the chest. After that, return the chin to the starting position. Repeat this exercise 10 times.
EXERCISE 2 Head back
Push the head towards the back as far as possible. After that, return the head to the starting position. Repeat this exercise 10 times.
EXERCISE 3 Chin towards the right and left shoulder
Rotate (turn) the chin to the left towards the shoulders, return it to the initial, neutral position and then rotate the chin towards the right shoulder and return the chin to the initial position. Repeat this exercise 10 times on each side.
EXERCISE 4 Ear towards right and left shoulder
Lean your left ear towards your left shoulder. Be careful not to raise your shoulder. Return the head to the starting position. Repeat the same with the right ear on the right shoulder. Repeat this exercise 10 times on each side.
Laura Altieri – uSensual Club student doing exercises for her back
Another example of back exercises with Kristina Mikolcic in uSensual Club
You can perform these back exercises at home in a standing position.
Important: During each exercise, the spine must be straight in a neutral position, without bending. Head and shoulders behind, chest open.
EXERCISE 1 Circular movements of the shoulders back and forth
Move your shoulders forward, in circular motions. Imagine that you want to “draw a circle” with your shoulders. Repeat this exercise 10 times forward. Then repeat the same backwards, 10 times.
EXERCISE 2 Chin towards the right and left shoulder
Rotate (turn) the chin to the left towards the shoulders, return it to the initial, neutral position and then rotate the chin towards the right shoulder and return the chin to the initial position. Repeat this exercise 10 times on each side.
Mirjam Kaerma – uSensual Club student doing exercises for her back
EXERCISE 3 Jointed palms forward
Starting position: join both palms in front of the chest by intertwining the fingers. The palms are facing the chest, the elbows are facing outwards. Perform the exercise by stretching the joined palms outwards, pushing the shoulders forward and stretching the shoulder blades. Repeat this exercise 10 times.
EXERCISE 4 Joining the arms above the head
Starting position: Hands are next to the body, palms facing the body. Start performing the exercise by raising the arms to the side and at the moment when both hands are above the head, rotate (turn) the palms towards each other. Repeat the exercise 10 times.
EXERCISE 5 One hand up, opposite hand down
Starting position: One hand is outstretched up and the other hand is outstretched down. Then we alternately change positions. Keep an eye on the torso; avoid bending, your torso must be straight at all times. Repeat this exercise 10 times.
EXERCISE 6 Alternate rotation of arms forward and backward
Starting position: place both hands above your head, palms facing each other. Then lower one arm in front of you and make a full circle and return to the starting position. Do the same with each hand 10 times. Repeat the same action in the opposite direction backwards, 10 times.
A large percentage of people feels pain in the lower back. These exercises for back pain relief will reduce, eliminate or prevent back pain.
Another example of back exercises with Kristina Mikolcic in uSensual Club
You can perform these back exercises at home, on the floor. Equipment wise, you’ll need a mat or a towel, some space and you can go.
Important: When performing each exercise, maintain a neutral spine and always keep the abs tight (squeeze the muscles in the abdomen.)
EXERCISE 1 Cat & Camel
Note: In this exercise, the breathing pattern is opposite to the natural one and has been changed for the purpose of the exercise.
The starting position is on “all fours”, forearms and lower legs are on the floor. The back is straight in the starting position. With a deep and slow breath, we bend our back to the maximum, (camel). With a long exhale, we bend our back down (like a cat). Repeat the exercise 10 times.
The starting position is on “all fours”, forearms and lower legs are on the floor. The back is straight during the exercise and we must not bend it. The torso is active all the time, we squeeze the muscles of the torso. The hips face the floor, being careful not to turn them (rotate) outwards when performing the exercise. On the inhale, we extend the left arm and the right leg at the same time. On the exhale, we return both extremities to the starting position. Let’s repeat the same with the other arm and leg. Repeat this exercise 10 times on each side.
Note: if you are bothered by coordination and strength and you cannot stretch your arm and leg at the same time, divide the exercise into segments. First extend your hand and return it to the starting position. Then stretch your leg and return it to the starting position.
EXERCISE 3 Dead bug
Let’s place the body in a lying position. The lower back must be “glued” to the floor when performing the exercise. Squeeze the abdominal muscles. Raise your arms and legs in the air, and bend your arms and legs at the joints so that your forearms and lower legs are parallel to your body and floor. On the inhale extend the opposite arm (left) and the opposite leg (right). On the exhale, we return them to the starting position. Repeat the same on the other side (right arm and left leg). Repeat this exercise 10 times on each side.
Note: if you are bothered by coordination and strength and you cannot stretch your arm and leg at the same time, divide the exercise into segments. First extend your hand and return it to the starting position. Then stretch your leg and return it to the starting position.
EXERCISE 4 Knee to chest
You are still lying down. The lower back when performing the exercise is “glued” to the floor all the time. The head is also on the floor all the time. Squeeze the abdominal muscles. One leg is on the floor and the other leg is bent at the knee. Hold the bent leg with your hands, on the inhale, draw it as much as possible towards the chest. Hold for 3-5 seconds and on the exhale, release and return the leg to the starting position. Repeat the same with the other leg. Repeat this exercise 10 times on each side
Alyssa Barlow – uSensual Club student doing exercises for her back
EXERCISE 5 Pelvis clock with legs slightly lifted in the air
The position of the body, head and torso is the same as in the previous exercise. Lift both legs slightly off the floor, stretch your feet. Imagine that you want to describe a circle (clock) with the lower back, more precisely with the pelvis, and touch all the points (hours) on the floor with the pelvis. Repeat the same movement on both sides 10 times.
Note: If it is too much of a challenge for you to perform the exercise with your legs raised, you can leave your feet on the floor.
You can also perform some exercises in the text in the office when you need a break from work (stretching exercises for the upper back). They are fast, simple and practical.
In the long run, if you are persistent, your back will be grateful. To achieve any results, it is important to be consistent. Try to find time to do this back routine at least 3 times a week.
Even if you don’t suffer from back pain, prevention is the key to health and longevity; therefore it is necessary to start on time.
Your K.
uSensual Club is an online platform for women designed to help you find your version of strong and sensual.
The main modalities we use to embody that strong and sensual women inside of you are different kinds of sensual dances, home workout routines, flexibility and stretching sessions, and other sensual couches from different professions to help you reach your sensual, health and confidence goals.
If you desire to start feeling better in your body, build more confidence, lose weight by dancing, or shape your body with home workouts, and in general, just to feel good and connected to your sensual side, uSensual Club is a place you will find everything.
From fitness, dance, mindset, pleasure, beauty tips, and relationships, you have it all there. Choose which area you would like to explore more, and start your sensual journey.
Prvi puta vježbaš kod kuće? Donosimo ti ključne savjete koji će ti olakšati tvoj prvi trening kod kuće, kao i nekoliko ideja za tvoj prvi trening.
Kompletan vodič sa konkretnim koracima kako da povećaš gluteus, kod kuće ili u gym-u. Najbolje vježbe za glutes, suplementacija, prehrana,…
Konkretni savjeti i smjernice za ravan trbuh koji će ti konačno pomoći. Evo kako do trbušnih mišića i užeg struka u što kraće mogućem roku.