
Ultimate guide at home to get wider hips for skinny women in 2023


Everything you need to know to get wider hips in 2022

Which muscles do you need to grow to get wider hips

Besides that having wider hips is sexy, it improves the impression of the whole figure in women as well. With the right exercises and diet, you can improve the condition of your whole body, facilitate your daily movements and reduce the risk of injury.

The greatest support for the back comes from the abdominal muscles and the muscles of your but (gluteus minimus, gluteus medius, and gluteus maximus). All the muscles in the body function in a synergistic way, but these three groups of muscles are separately connected.

Many of the movements involved in tight buttocks and hips exercises involve stabilizing muscles. This means that you increase the strength in this part of the body, together with the abdominal muscles, and thus strengthen them, which leads to better back strength and protecting yourself from pain and injury.

So, let’s dig a little deeper about which are these muscles separately, and how exercises help you to build hip muscles and make them wider.

Besides that having wider hips is sexy, it improves the impression of the whole figure in women as well. With the right exercises and diet, you can improve the condition of your whole body, facilitate your daily movements and reduce the risk of injury.

The greatest support for the back comes from the abdominal muscles and the muscles of your but (gluteus minimus, gluteus medius, and gluteus maximus). All the muscles in the body function in a synergistic way, but these three groups of muscles are separately connected.

Many of the movements involved in tight buttocks and hips exercises involve stabilizing muscles. This means that you increase the strength in this part of the body, together with the abdominal muscles, and thus strengthen them, which leads to better back strength and protecting yourself from pain and injury.

So, let’s dig a little deeper about which are these muscles separately, and how exercises help you to build hip muscles and make them wider.

The gluteus medius serves to rotate your thigh. This part of the glutes is focused on hip abduction. It is an important compound for better hips and knee stability and developing wider hips. In addition, gluteus medius impacts your pelvis while walking or standing.

When you stand on one leg and keep the other leg in the air, the gluteus medius in your standing leg is very active to help maintain your pelvis.  The gluteus medius enables us to perform the vast majority of movements. Exercises, like single-leg lunges, have been found to be the most effective to activate this part of the glutes, because they require bigger control on the hips. Without it, your hips will drop down every time you move your leg off the floor.

The strongest and the biggest part of your glute muscles is the gluteus maximus. Thus, if you want to get bigger and wider hips, you should focus on exercises that build this muscle. If you have a small glute, don’t worry. Your glute can be bigger with proper diet and exercise. In order to know how to build your gluteus maximus, first, you need to know what is its function.

Firstly, the main role of the gluteus maximus is to enable your hips to move forward and your legs backward. Also, it provides your hips to rotate and can help to enhance spinal stability. Certain exercises such as squats, deadlift, hip thrust, hip bridge, are the best movements to get this glute bigger.

Because the gluteus maximus is a big muscle you should do a variety of exercises in order to emphasize it. Through these exercises, you will stretch and contract the muscle by a full range of motion.

Tensor fasciae latae is the muscle that is part of the thigh and together with the other three glute muscles plays an important role in a variety of hip movements. It supports hips and knee flexibility. TFL help to strengthen the pelvis while standing or walking. If your TFL is tight or shortened, you will notice an imbalance of the pelvis. Targeting this muscle will help you to get bigger and curvier hips.

Best exercises at home to get wider hips for skinny women in 2023

Gaining weight can be as hard as losing weight. If you are skinny, don’t lose your hope. You can gain weight (and get wider hips) in a healthy way. Before hitting the best exercises for wider hips, being in a calorie surplus is a must. You must eat extra food than you burn in a day. Together with these following exercises at home or in the gym, you will activate your hips, develop stronger hip muscles and finally get wider hips.

Ideally, for bigger and wider hips you need to focus on hypertrophy, or doing 3-4 sets with 8-12 repetitions per exercise. Try to increase and adjust the weight every time, to get stronger, bigger, and get the desired results.

Side lunges

One of my favorite exercises to build hips muscles. You can do side lunges with your own weight or get dumbells. In this exercise is important to focus on good hip mobility, and not try to hurt your lower back.

How to do it: Move one leg far from your hips. When you are going down, your knee does not have to cross your toes. Go down until you are parallel with the floor and keep your chest up. Return to the starting position. Also, if you want you can elevate your leg as you see in the picture.

Side lunges
Side lunges

Curtsy lunges

Curtsy lunges are a great exercise that requires hip rotation.

How to do it: When you move your leg behind your other leg, i.e. behind your foot, try not to rotate your hip too much. They need to stay still and strong for better activation.

Curtsy lunges
Curtsy lunges


Targeted muscles: primary, quads and gluteus maximus. Secondary, hamstrings, calves, core, and abductors

How to do it: To perform the Barbell Bulgarian Split Squats, you will need a bench or box and a barbell.

If you are a beginner, use a barbell without adding extra weights. If you are not a beginner, choose weights according to your fitness level.

Pick up the bar with both hands and place it behind your back on the upper part of your trapezius muscle. Turn your back to the bench, activate and squeeze your core for more stability. Lift your left leg off the floor and place your foot on the bench so your ankle is on the edge of the bench. Slightly lean your torso forward, up to 45-degrees.

Inhale, slowly start to lower your body down in a squat by flexing your right knee. Go down until your rear knee is almost touching the floor. When you reach the bottom position, push through your foot to get back in the starting position and squeeze your butt. Exhale while you are ‘traveling’ up in the starting position. Repeat the same with the other leg.


Hip abduction

You can perform abduction in the gym, on the abduction machine, or at the cable machine. You can also do the abduction movement at home by laying on the floor first on the right then on the left side. For extra resistance, you can put the band on your thighs.

How to do it: Your knees need to be slightly forward to your hips. Bend your knees in 90 degrees, and your hips in 45 degrees. You can rest your hand under your head. Open your leg up to the ceiling, and return to your fixed leg as a starting position. While doing this exercise try to stabilize your hips, because the whole movement should come from the leg you are rising.

Hip abduction
Hip abduction

Sumo squat

Sumo squats strengthen up your inner thighs, and can also help you to build muscle to your hips.

How to do it: To perform sumo squats, stand with your feet significantly wider than the hips (about three to four feet), and turn your toes at 45 degrees. While lowering, hold your abs tight, your back straight, and try not to move the knees in front of your toes. When your hips are parallel to the floor, get back to the starting position.

Sumo squat
Sumo squat

Squats with sidekick

Just like the regular squats, adding a sidekick will put resistance to your hip muscles. It is a highly efficient hip straightener exercise. Also, one of my favorite exercises to build hip muscles.

How to do it: Begin with squat, as explained above, and when you are coming to the standing pose, add a kick on one side, while your other leg carries all of the weight. Get back in a squat position. Do one squat and repeat all this on the other side.

Squats with sidekick
Squats with sidekick

Glute Bridgge

With hip lifts, you are not only isolating whole hips movement, but you activate and grow your glutes as well.

How to do it: Lay down on the floor, and bend your knees. For extra weight, you can always use a resistance band around the thighs. Start pushing your glute up while squeezing it at the top, and get back to the ground. You should feel the glute engagement. The toes should always be at the ground point on the front, while your shoulders and arms relaxed.

For an advanced move, you can perform hip-lift progression, i.e. one-leg hip lift. As you are lying on the floor, one leg is bent, and the other leg is lifted off the ground. Engage your glutes to put the pelvis towards the ceiling. Slowly get back to the floor.

Hip lift
Hip lift


This exercise is going to target all the glute muscles.

How to do it: Stand on your all fours. You can do it on your hands or elbows, however, in both positions, your spine should be neutral. When you start lifting your leg, make a triangle or rainbow. Try to keep your leg as straight as possible. Remember to engage the glutes while performing the whole movement. As you mastered this exercise, try to add ankle weights for building the butt.


What to eat to get wider hips and build hip muscles

The first thing you need to know and be clear with yourself is to be realistic about your goal. Your body can’t put the food you eat on the places you like to get bigger, for example, your hips or booty.

But, don’t be disappointed. There are certain exercises, mentioned above, that will help you to develop wider hips, bigger booty, toned legs, and stabilize your posture. To maintain good health, our food needs to be balanced. A balanced meal should contain all macronutrients. And what is a balanced diet?


We always need protein.  Protein is essential for muscle growth and optimal development. A minimum of 20 to 30 grams of protein per day is recommended, thus they are the basis of building muscle. Food full of protein includes tuna (all types of fish), eggs, cheese, meat, grains and nuts (hazelnuts, almonds, peanuts, pistachios), and legumes (lentils, peas, beans).


Carbs should be the first ingredient you should focus on and include in your diet because most of the energy for exercise comes from them. Complex carbs take longer to digest in your body, which means they can help you feel full for a longer time, compared to simple and refined carbs. They include whole-grain products, starch, and fiber. Because they digest and absorb more slowly, blood sugar is increasing gradually, which is more effective for your overall health. Some of the carbs you should involve in your diet are brown rice, potatoes, whole grain bread, pasta, oats, corn, and so on.


Unsaturated fatty acids are essential for the health of the heart and the entire cardiovascular system. Help reduce bad cholesterol, improve brain function, reduce the risk of blood clots. They are necessary for the synthesis of many hormones, especially sex hormones. Because the body can not create them on its own, you need to get them through your diet. Some of them are avocado, seeds and nuts, olive oil, eggs, olives, and so on.

Vitamins and minerals

Eating a lot of vegetables and fruits will help you stay healthy. They are full of antioxidants and fibers that will reduce your inflammation after training and help for bigger muscles. A varied diet ensures the intake of all essential vitamins and minerals for the normal growth and development of the organism.  Eating as much as you want is another good thing because they can’t cause gain weight.  All leafy green vegetables, like cabbage, spinach, broccoli, spinach, tomatoes, cucumbers, can be a great choice.

ssential for the health of the heart and the entire cardiovascular system. Help reduce bad cholesterol, improve brain function, reduce the risk of blood clots. They are necessary for the synthesis of many hormones, especially sex hormones. Because the body can not create them on its own, you need to get them through your diet. Some of them are avocado, seeds and nuts, olive oil, eggs, olives, and so on.


  • What causes hips to widen?

    The size of your hips depents about two things: your gentictics and fatt distribution, but iif you are looking to widen your shape, correct selection of exercises is the key. Implementing hip abductions moves, such as fire hydrants, side squat walks, glute bridges, split leg squats, hip thrusts, sumo squat, curstl lunges and adding weight and booty band to your routines will help define and widen your hips. And exactly this and much more exercises to widen your hips you will find in our "Unlock Your Sensual Glutes" program at home.

  • How do you make your hips look wider?

    Your outfit may be the perfect solution for your hips. For example, trying pencil skirts will emphasize your hips and make your hips look wider. It points out your silhouette from the hips and narrows towards your legs. Structured bubble dresses are also a perfect way to add an accent to your hips in the right way. While your waist is narrow, it becomes wider towards your legs. Horizontal lines also provide the illusion of wider hips. Light color pants can also emphasize your hips and booty, while black clothes make you look skinnier. If you want to learn how to dress according to your body type and look absolutely geogeus and fit - join our Sensual Club for complete make over of your apperance.

  • How long does it take to get bigger hips?

    You may see the results after one to three mounts of regular exercising and a proper diet. Everyone is different, so the time to achieve your goal can vary. What works for someone, doesn’t mean it has to work for you too. Listen to your body, be patient, exercise constantly, eat quality food, and the results will be inevitable.

  • Is it possible to get wider hips overnight?

    Nothing happens overnight, because there is no magic. To achieve your goal, whether it is to get wider hips, or your ideal booty and abs, it takes time, lots of hard work, and patience. For a great result, it is important to challenge yourself with the right exercises and get out of the "comfort zone". This is where the top results happen. Therefore, if you are a beginner, be careful not to compare yourself with those who have been training for a long time.

  • Do squats make your hips bigger?

    Doing squats can add muscles to your hips and achieve a peach shape. They are great for strengthening your hips as well. With the right technique and movement, and will help you get wider hips and booty. Here you can see how to grow your hips and booty  with  booty band at home, and how to choose the best booty band for you. 

  • Is it possible to get bigger hips naturally and fast at home?

    You can’t naturally change your bones, but with the right exercises and balanced diet as mentioned before, you can add muscle to your hips, and make the perfect shape. The most common mistake we made is not training enough the targeted muscle group. Once a week is not enough for the muscles to grow - we need to train at least two-three time a week.

    If you find that you are able to withstand a higher frequency, you can train 3x per week. However, in order to progress, it is necessary to change the exercises, the number of sets, and repetitions in those 2-3 kinds of training.

    Of course, the more persistent you are, the more noticeable and better the effects will be. However, successful, visible, and sustainable changes take time and dedication. The results will surely come with dedicated work. If you do 3-4 pieces of training every week, focus on work, plan each training, I am sure that the fastest time for your hips transformation will be after 6 weeks.



Unlock your sensual Booty

At home booty program to grow your glutes and get your feminine curves.
Designed by a medical nurse and fitness trainer

Kristina Mikolcic

Helping women to become their most sensual selves through fitness & dance


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